Best Vaping Music Playlist

cannabis vaping playlist 2

Every vaping session needs some good tunes to enhance the experience. With the right lyrics, beats, and voice, a song can convert a regular vaping experience to a memorable, fun one. Finding something that synchs with your mood as you vape can be a challenge, and that’s why we have decided to make things easier by highlighting five songs that are perfect for vaping. If you are looking for something to make your solo or group vaping session enjoyable, these songs will undoubtedly take your overall experience a notch higher.

Radioactive by Imagine Dragons

In this song, the lyrics ‘welcome to the new age’ and ‘it is a revolution’ represent how cannabis has revolutionized and how popular vaping has become in this new age. The powerful and captivating voice of the lead singer makes the song’s impact more profound. Radioactive is the perfect song to listen to while spewing clouds of smoke in the air.


Misty Morning by Bob Marley

Bob Marley is widely known as a ganja lover. It’s almost impossible not to associate smoking with the said legend. Misty morning is a fun song that offers excellent beats and a catchy, captivating calypso vibe. This is a fantastic song to listen to during your wake and bake session. The mental stimulation of a great morning strain will help you to understand the philosophical lyrics deeply.


Shape of You by Ed Sheeran

This song was and is still a worldwide hit with a great beat and catchy lyrics. Shape of you is the ideal song to listen to during your vaping session with friends or a significant other. While blowing up the clouds, make it more interesting by replacing the work ‘shape’ with ‘vape’ and see how perfect it will seem. It’s a cheeky suggestion, but ‘I am in love with the vape of you’ sounds very fun and fitting.


Get Off My Cloud by Rolling Stone

Up for a solo vaping session? This tune will synch with your mood. Get off my cloud is a classic rock song meant for vapers who do not appreciate intrusions while enjoying their favorite vape pen strain. This is an excellent song to listen to after a long and tiresome day when all you want is to have some alone time then retire to bed.


Green Grass Vapors by Angie Stone

This RnB track is centered on vaping and is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a relaxed and chill vaping session. The smooth beat and relatable lyrics will have you lost in its goodness while revamping your vaping experience.


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